Traditional and complementary medicine (GETAT) is all of the knowledge, skills and practices used for the maintenance of health such as prevention of physical and mental illnesses, diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on the beliefs and theories of different cultures. These are methods that are applied as complementary to modern medicine and have scientific bases in order to ensure balance between the general energy, autonomic and hormonal systems of the person and to strengthen the immune system.
With our GETAT polyclinic, which started to serve in our hospital, it is aimed to prevent unauthorized people from performing traditional medicine practices, which are very common in our province, and to protect our patients from mistakes and unwanted events that may cost human life and to receive services in reliable hands.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese healing technique that involves inserting thin needles into specific body parts. It is part of traditional Chinese medicine and is therefore a holistic healing method. Acupuncture treatment was developed in China about 3000 years ago. Today it is often used as an adjunct to medical treatment. However, acupuncture should only be practiced in consultation with a doctor and should not be used as the sole treatment for diseases.
The exact effect of the needles pressed against the skin during acupuncture on the body is still not fully understood. However, recent studies have shown that acupuncture increases the release of substances in the brain that provide positive mood and are effective against pain. These so-called “happiness hormones” include serotonin and endorphins.
Some experimental studies show that acupuncture is effective against pain caused by back and joint problems. A placebo-controlled study conducted in the USA showed that acupuncture had a better effect on chronic pain than placebo. In the light of this information, the following mechanisms of action are hypothesized to play a role in the treatment:
Through the nervous system, e.g. endorphins (endogenous pain-relieving substances)
Through hormones
Through activation of blood vessels
By strengthening immunity
Through relaxation of muscles
Cupping is an ancient medical treatment dating back thousands of years. The ancient Chinese, Koreans, Egyptians and Arabs used Cupping as a form of traditional treatment. In Europe, the practice is believed to date back to the Bronze Age and until the advent of modern surgery, cupping was part of the routine medical practice of doctors in the United Kingdom, France and Germany, as well as in the United States. In the Far East (China and Korea), cupping has continued to be practiced by both western and traditional medical practitioners. In Turkey it is called 'cupping therapy' or 'cupping'.
As with all treatment methods, the doctor should determine to whom and how the cupping treatment will be performed. The application should be done by the doctor or health personnel under the control of the doctor.
Phytotherapy is a combination of the Ancient Greek words for plant (phyto) and treatment (therapy). Phytotherapy, meaning treatment with plants, is one of the oldest medical treatments. Phytotherapy is an important part of traditional European naturopathy and traditional Chinese medicine. Phytotherapy has evolved over the centuries and is applied in the form of practical and effective products using both traditional and modern methods of extraction of medicinal plants.
There is a very large market for herbal products, ranging from slimming medicines to mixtures sold in herbalists and slimming teas. Many herbal products have been used for years and are known to be useful. However, some herbal products can cause serious side effects on users. The idea that herbal products are safer than medicines is not a correct approach. In this context, phytotherapy must be performed under the control of a specialist doctor.
You can get information and make an appointment for GETAT applications in our hospital by calling 0466 2121040 -( 1341-1327).
GETAT applications are paid and are not paid by the Social Security Institution.